Tuesday, November 17, 2009

An observation

At the risk of sounding like "that girl", since I've last blogged, I visted Cambodia for my fourth time and faciliated a youth camp for over 200 Khmer youth. I biked on a beach in Singapore. I crossed visiting Africa off my bucket list and gave gifts to over 2000 children in Ethiopia. I toured the Van Gogh museum and drank hot chocolate at the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam. During Lollapalooza in Chicago, I saw several bands on my "bands to see before I die" list including the Kings of Leon and the Killers, all while becoming 2 semesters closer to finally finishing my MBA.

And yet, the event that finally broke my blogging silence was a CSI marathon during a house cleaning day. I wish this provided some great revelation about my life; alas, I'm afraid it does not. Perhaps I ONLY sweat the small stuff.

Or perhaps we shouldn't overthink this, I'm probably just that strange.


Unknown said...

This made me laugh out loud. You are awesome!

PS. I do hate you a little bit : )

Justin said...

I want your life

Jenn said...

Anyone can watch a CSI marathon Justin. They are on almost every Sunday.