Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 things about me you never cared to know

1. I would love to live in a hotel, or have someone make my bed everyday and put out clean towels when I’m at work

2. Whenever I am considering buying a new piece of furniture I think about how hard it would be to move and usually decide it isn’t worth it

3. My most well-known nickname is 23. To this day, sometimes when I’m out in Chattanooga I am introduced this way to strangers

4. I have slept an entire evening in a hot tub. My hands were really wrinkled the next morning and I didn’t feel so good

5. There is not one country in the World that I would pass up the opportunity to visit

6. I’ve always hoped to live at least one complete year in another country

7. I’m a sucker for any guy who can make me laugh. Guys who wear suits are good too…A guy in a suit who could make me laugh would be like kryptonite.

8. I lived in Canada from the age of 1 to 12. No, I did not live in an igloo. No, I cannot speak French

9. I have never been in a Haunted House.

10. I’m seriously considering getting a doctorate in developmental economics. My dream job would involve helping third world nations develop their economies to pull their people out of poverty

11. I am three quarters of the way through at least 5 books

12. I have an incredibly short attention span. There are a ton of movies I have never seen because I didn’t think they were worth a two hour investment

13. At any given moment I am missing either my keys, my debit card or my cell phone

14. 2009 is the ten year anniversary of me leaving Florida and meeting the people who are still my best friends in the world

15. My favorite quote is “Go confidentially in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.”

16. My biggest fear is that I’ll look back on any part of my life with regret

17. I cannot drive to Atlanta without listening to rap music. I usually rap along in my car. People probably see me and laugh.

18. I love Stephen Colbert. (Please see #7)

19. I hate Jack in the Boxes. Not the restaurants, the toy. I don’t like not knowing when that guy is going to pop out. I hate the game perfection for the same reason

20. I am anti-high-five. Every time someone initiates said celebration I have a moral dilemma. Should I abandon my principles in order to be socially acceptable?

21. I absolutely love photography. On my last trip to Asia I literally took over 1000 pictures

22. Sometimes when I look at pictures of other team’s trips to Cambodia my eyes well up with tears because I want to be there so bad

23. Someday I’d like to write a book

24. I worked in the restaurant industry for over 10 years. 2008 is the first year since I was 16 that I will not have a W2 from a restaurant. I’m one of those weirdo’s that actually kind of misses it

25. I think about too many things way too much. Sometimes I wish I could turn my brain off for a bit

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ramblings on a Rainy Day

Rainy days are yucky...The only thing I want to do is light a Woodwick candle (I love the sound of a fire but am not lucky enough to have a fireplace) get in my pajamas and read a good book. I just got cable and a DVR for the first time in a few years so I'm pretty much happier than I've ever been in my whole life. (Insert sarcastic tone here.) Honestly, I think I'm so used to not having TV I don't know what to do with it. You can only watch so many reality shows before you just get sad and a little ashamed of the human race in general. I am definitely not used to having a DVR, I usually watch about 4 commercials before I remember I don't have to watch them. Then I fast forward into too much of my show and have to rewind. This whole process probably takes longer than actually watching the is so tricky.

So, (insert clever segue here) as a result of a conversation where I was told that my Facebook status updates were "boring," I decided to post a new one today. "Jenn is heading to Zambia to tour orphanages with Bono" was displayed on my profile about 2:00 pm. Here is the crazy part, by 3:00 I received numerous text messages and comments indicating that some of my friends thought this was what I was actually doing. I guess I should be flattered that people actually believe that my life is that cool but Bono? Really? A more realistic Facebook status would read, "Jenn just put on a load of clothes and is watching an episode of Family Guy she has seen 100 times with the commercials, even though she doesn't have to, because she isn't smart enough to work a DVR." But perhaps I shouldn't be so honest, it may take the mystery and magic out of my apparent Rock Star Status....The fact that I had an entire conversation about the quality of my Facebook status updates probably doesn't help either...and then I wrote about it. Please ignore this entire blog.