Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Government Cheese

At 9:00 a.m. I received the following email from my father:

Did you make it in to work today? I wasn't sure if you were out all night getting drunk on changity change or if you were already getting into line for your free government cheese. Have a great day.

Love Dad

I was going to blog my reflections on the election but for this morning my father's poignant and profound commentary should suffice.


Unknown said...

You're dad is awesome.

Anonymous said...

So i have a question? How do vote and support someone who stands against TRUTH and supports abortion and killing innocent babies. And furthermore, same sex marriage aside from the other political issues of the economy. I don't believe either one running was fit for the position, but are we not held accountable for the shedding of innocent blood and standing for moral truths?

Anonymous said...

so who exactly did you choose?

Misty Griffis said...

Government Cheese... Sure it's free, but it doesn't melt properly when making grill cheese sandwiches. Not really worth the wait in line.

Jenn said...

Dear Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous,

I'm perplexed as to how a blog that included the phrase "Changity Change" entitled "Government Cheese" would somehow lead you to believe that I condone killing babies. While there is a direct link between poor economic conditions and abortion, I'm almost sure they are not the same issue.

That being said, my moral convictions and who I voted for as president are something I'd prefer not to discuss in an open forum to an undisclosed person.

Thanks for reading!

Jenn said...

Oh and Misty I agree...Government cheese is not worth the wait in line.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up everybody, It's just cheese. Let's save the real fighting for when the bread lines start. If I can't get my rye it won't be pretty.

Sippy Cups and Shaker Bottles said...

i"m with dad... but i got dibs on the sourdough!!