Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gun Friendly Tennessee

This blog is mainly for my out of state readers who may reside in less gun-friendly towns. I find it interesting that while gun owners everywhere are stocking up on ammunition preparing for either the acopolypse, a hefty tax on those who choose to bear arms,or some equally ominous fate somewhere in between, Tennessee seems to become more gun-friendly everyday.

On May 14th our State senate passed the "guns in bars" legislation that allows those with a concealed weapons permit to mix "guns and alcohol." Subsequently, on May 26 our senate also passed a "guns in parks" bill allowing guns to be carried into both state and federal parks (both are currently awaiting the governors final approval). However, my inspiration for this gun-friendly blog is the fact that this week, in Cleveland Tennessee (my current home town), a member of the city council opened fire on a man who was attempting to steal his neighbors push lawn mower. When the alleged thief tried to get away, the city councilman took it upon himself to chase the man down in his vehicle. The end result was a three car crash that ended with 2 people in the hospital. The best part of the whole story to me is that to this point, the councilman has not been charged with anything. I'm no gun law expert but I'm pretty sure stealing a lawn mower from a neighbors yard isn't reason enough to "empty a clip." I can't make this stuff up...

I'm not sure if this should make me feel safe or scared. On one hand, it would be nice to have a gun-weilding neighbor who watched over my house like a secret service agent daring any potential villian to step even one foot on my property. On the other hand, you haven't met my neighbors.


Unknown said...

Jason would love to patrol your house nightly with his gun :). I will be shocked if they pass the legislation mixing gun and alcohol. Now, I won't life, I am in favor of guns in state parks. We've done some back country camping and I like the idea of Jason having his gun for wildlife and scary rednecks. Have you seen deliverance?

Jenn said...

The governor plans to veto the guns in bars bill but even so, only a simple majority in the house and senate is needed to override it. The bill passed by huge margins already so it most likely will be adopted. The funny thing is that everyone is protesting the crazy red-neck state that would allow this but we are the 38th state to adopt such a law. Apparently, the only stereotype Tennessee is fulfilling is that red-necks are a little slow to adapt :)