Friday, November 7, 2008

An Impassioned Plea

It is time for an intervention. Let me drop a truth bomb on you, the High Five is completely lame and unoriginal. I don’t say this to hurt or offend but because I think we can be better. Let’s not settle for the celebratory gestures of a generation gone by. As a generation who embraces change and individuality, we should strive to find new less dumb looking ways to commemorate our victories.

I’ve wanted to say this for quite some time but I was afraid. I was afraid to buck the status quo, afraid to question the way things have always been done. However, the historic events of this past week have taught me that we can dream of a brighter future and a better tomorrow whose dawn will not be celebrated with a ridiculously outdated hand gesture. Yes we can.

Why do I think it’s time to embrace change? I have always reviled the high five. I hate that I am expected to slap any hand that is randomly thrown in the air even if I don’t feel moved to rejoice. I don't understand how the slapping of hands in the air constitutes some sort of celebration, and frankly I think they look dumb. I find it perplexing that not returning a high five comes off as the ultimate insult when I am the one who should be insulted. Why should I be forced to meet your hand in the air just because you decide to elevate it? Our friendship should not be determined by your ability to control me. I am a free thinking individual who frankly doesn’t like being forced to do something I don’t want to for the sake of “common courtesy.”

We are in a new era. We have embraced change and set ourselves apart as a generation who champions individuality and freedom. We are encouraged to live the life we have imagined and to chase our dreams at all costs. I dream of a future without high fives. I believe we can make this dream come true. Don’t tell me change can’t happen. Yes we can change! Yes we can!


Misty Griffis said...

do you suggest we replace the high five with "the pound"???

Anonymous said...

So much for unity. Sounds like someone needs a hug. How about we just scratch ourselves and spit?

Jenn said...

how about we just smile and say "hooray!"

Unknown said...

Your dislike of the high five has only caused me to use it more. Yes, I now find myself looking for an opportunity slap hands.

Ben and Cassie said...

I have an uncontrolable urge to high-five you right now!

No, seriously though I think we should carry sparklers with us at all times to commemorate victories instead of the high-five.

Last Man Standing said...

*High-five's Jaime*