Last night, I received another text message that proclaimed that Barack Hussein Obama is deceiving America. His “Christ like appeal”, his promise of hope and the fact that according to Revelation the beast will be allowed authority approximately 42 months which is almost equal to a 4 year term as president---(ALMOST, I mean we can’t expect the prophecies can’t get it exactly right) should convince us that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ.However, the fact that everyone assumes Obama is the Anti-Christ convinces me of the opposite. The entire notion that he may be “the one” originated from the McCain campaign. Clearly, McCain is trying to divert attention away from his own claim to the coveted Anti-Christ title. According to, John McCain’s grandfather was actually named John Mihai. Mihai is an ancient Romanian name that means “who is like our Lord.” Why did McCain’s family change their name? Clearly, they were trying to hide their secret “elitist” identities as the Redeemers of the free World. Talk about a Messiah complex.
New address!
9 years ago
I think is important to mention that "" also reveals that; "Mihai is an ancient Romanian name, and according to Bible-believing Christians, the Antichrist is likely to be a Romanian." So McCain or should I say Mihai, the one who is like the Lord, is from middle-eastern decent. Also I believe sucker is spelled sucka.
I just want to know where you got that scary looking picture?
Very funny, I hope you are still laughing when you are pushing your wheelbarrow full of money to the store just so you can have the privilege of waiting in line and trading in your worthless dollars for a loaf of day old bread. As for me, I am putting my couch on the porch where I will spend my days sitting, happily waiting for the mailman to bring me wonderful gifts from the “One”. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, “Eat the rich” I’m not mad, I’m just Canadian, “been there done that” Love Dad
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